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Open to an influx of first-time visitors, clear signage in hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and private healthcare practices is paramount. What may otherwise be a stressful situation can be eased when all necessary information is presented pleasantly and clearly.

A directory outlining the various site departments is a must. Not only are our designers capable of producing aesthetic results – they’re experienced in creating easy-to-follow user experiences.

Vinyl floor and wall graphics are an unobtrusive means of wayfinding. Coloured routes are typical in larger hospitals. Rooms and wards can be signposted in a variety of ways. Acrylic panels are a sleek touch, while small projection signs can make rooms more visible from alternate angles.

Far more than any other location, it’s essential that installation within healthcare spaces is swift and inconspicuous. Many of our signs can be applied silently and efficiently, and we’ll make you aware of any potentially disruptive requirements well in advance.

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